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Traffic Management Plan for the M2 Highway at Kazerne Bridge

Client: Johannesburg Roads Agency/DNMZ International.

Project description: Major rehabilitation and maintenance works on the access interchanges of the M2, a major motorway running east-west along the southern periphery of the Johannesburg CBD and developed in the 1960s.

Scope of work: Merchelles, while providing assistance to DNMZ on the detailed inspection of these bridges, were also involved in developing a traffic management plan (TMP) to be effected during the repair works. The TMP ensures that traffic is accommodated in the most efficient manner while maintaining the safety of employees, contractors, the general public and pedestrians.

Merchelles conducted an initial assessment of the viaduct to determine whether contraflow traffic conditions would be feasible during the staged closure of the M2 east-bound and west-bound carriageways. Designing for contraflow conditions across the bridge deck would maintain access via the site and thus reduce traffic delays and diversion of traffic to the surrounding road network. A detailed road signage plan was developed for contraflow conditions and associated ramp closures.